Essential Real Estate Agent Indoor Open House Placement Kit. 

Replace Paper Sign-Up Sheets With Modern NFC Tap Conversational AI To Capture Buyers & Seller Leads

Elevate Your Open House Experience. Answer Questions, Request Offers, Eliminate Paper, Embrace AI and automation


Why PhoneTapify's Open House Kit?

Effortlessly Convert 90% of Open House Interactions into Opportunities With Ai Assistant. Offer Buyers and Sellers a Reason to Share Their Contact Information at Your Open House Without The Hard Sell and Complicated Process. Trusted by Top Producing Agent


PhoneTapify Open House Display Kit

Old Paper Sign-In Sheet

Guest Sign-In Process

NFC technology enables quick sign-in by tapping digital card

Manual entry on paper sheet, time-consuming process

Lead Capture

Captures leads digitally with detailed information

Limited information captured, prone to errors

Guest Interaction

Conversational AI enables guests to ask questions and receive instant responses

No interactive element, guests rely on agent availability

Data Management

Data stored securely in the cloud, accessible anytime

Paper sheets susceptible to loss or damage, manual data entry required

Follow-Up Efficiency

Automated follow-up emails immediately  to guests based on their interactions

Manual follow-up required, prone to oversight and slow follow up rate.


Projects a modern, tech-savvy image to guests

May appear outdated, less efficient

Environmental Impact

Environmentally friendly, reduces paper waste

Relies on paper, contributes to environmental footprint

Analytics and Insights

Provides analytics on guest engagement and preferences

Limited insights available from paper records

Cost Efficiency

Convert more buyers and sellers with higher engagement  

Cost of opportunity missed is higher when information is not eligible and less information is collected

Customization Options

Flexible customization options for branding and digital profile

Limited customization on paper sheets

Ease of Use

User-friendly interface for both agents and guests

Relatively simple but lacks technological sophistication

Integration with CRM/Marketing Platforms

Seamless integration with CRM and marketing tools for lead nurturing

Manual integration required, less efficient


Initiate Offers & Questions with a Phone Tap

Welcome all visitors and guide them to take the next step of making an offer or asking you questions.

Qualify Leads Requesting Listing Details

Allow the conversation Ai to qualify the leads and covert the lead to an opportunity without you having to lift a finger

Allow Visitors to Instantly Share Your Listing

Get more visitors sharing your listing with family and friends with just one click of a button

Offer Give Aways To Capture Leads

Giveaways are one way to easily exchange contact information of visitors and qualify them without coming across as aggressive.

Provide Answers Instantly

Provide instant answers to pressing questions buyers are looking for.

Allow buyer to save your Contact Easily

Buyers can easily save your contact and also submit their contact information by booking time with you.

Manage & Export Leads to your CRM

Auto-submit all your leads into your Preferred CRM with our Zapier integration.